melastoma malabathricum fruit
Uses Benefits Cures Side Effects Nutrients in Melastoma Malabathricum. It is good alternative for any other unhealthy snacks choices. Vitex Trifolia Sun Ls 10 20 X8 12 Avg Moisture Well Drained Sandy Soil Blooms Blue Or Lavender In Summer Not Frost Toler Vitex Sandy Soil Summer Flowers It is an erect free-flowering shrub that grows to a height of about 3 meters. . Leaves simple opposite decusate one of a pair sometimes smaller than other broad ovate-lanceolate coriacious hispid. It produces no nectar but plenty of pollen and will attract bees hoverflies and other pollen-loving critters. Melastoma malabathricum Alba Family Name. Aim Senduduk fruit Melastoma malabathricum L is native to Indomalaya and is believed to possess anticancer activity. The growth of both Al accumulator plants Melastoma malabathricum and nonaccumulator plants Miscanthus sinensis has been found to improve upon Al supply to some extent Watanabe et al 2...